
PocketNavigator Video on Youtube

Working day and night, turning researchers into actors, mastering the use of iMovie, we present our video on the PocketNavigator Familiy.

The video shows three demonstrators:

  • The Tacticycle is a bicycle navigation system for tourists, which uses vibrating handle bars to provide directions.
  • The PocketNavigator is an OSM-based pedestrian navigation systems that uses vibration patterns to tell the user which direction to go.
  • The Virtual Observer is a research tool that allows collecting usage data (GPS tracks, Images, Experience Sampling Questions) and play them back in order to study in-situ usage of above (and other) applications.

The work presented here is part of the EU-funded HaptiMap research project (FP7-ICT-224675) , which aims at making maps and location-based services more accessible. The PocketNavigator is one of the project’s outcome developed at the Intelligent User Interfaces Group of the OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany.

The PocketNavigator is available for free on the Android Market:

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Link YouTube Video with Custom Start Time

Ever wondered if it is possible to link a video that starts at a time you define?

It is not only possible but also dead easy:

The example above features the famous Amen Break, a 6-second drum break of the song Amen Brother by The Winstons. This break can be found in many old school hip-hop and drum ā€˜nā€™ bass songs.

So, how does it work?

The added parameter #t=1m26s defines the starting point. #t=ā€¦ identifies the start time parameter. 1m26s means that the song starts at 1:26. It is, however, also possible to just provide seconds, e.g. #t=86s.

Why is that useful?

Whenever you want to cite parts of a video as e.g. an example or as proof of an argument, jumping to the right start time makes it unnecessary for the reader to search for it.

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