Tag: android

  • OpenAL4Android

    In the comments to my post on OpenAL on Android some visitors asked to provide some high-level examples of how to use OpenAL.

    In this post you will find a light-weight Android Java library, consisting of four classes only, that allows you to create complex 3D sound scenes. An additional Hello World example building upon this library will show how to create a scene with three different sound sources.

    OpenAL4Android Library

    Download the library from http://pielot.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/OpenAL4Android.zip. The library contains the following classes:

    • OpenAlBridge: this class contains all the native methods used to communicate with the OpenAL native implementation
    • SoundEnv: this class allows to manage the sound scene. It for example allows registering new sounds and moving around the virtual listener
    • Buffer: a buffer is one sound file loaded into the RAM of the device. A buffer itself cannot be played.
    • Source: a source turns a buffer into an actually sounding object. The source allows changing the parameters of the sound, such as its position in 3D space, the playback volume, or the pitch. Each source as one buffer, but one buffer can be used by different sources.

    If you turn it into an Android library, you can use it in several projects at the same time. Go to Properties -> Android and make sure that the check box “Is Library” is checked.

    The following Hello World example shows how to use the library.


    HelloOpenAL4Android is a demo application illustrating how to use OpenAL4Android. The complete code + Eclipse project files can be downloaded here.

    Create a new Android project. Use Android 1.6 at least. Visit the project properties and add OpenAL4Android as library project (project -> android -> library). The the following code shows how to create a complex 3D scene.

    To run without errors, the program requires two sound files named “lake.wav” and “park.wav” in the project’s assets folder. If the folder does not exist, just create it on the top level of the project, next to src, res, … .

    package org.pielot.helloopenal;
    import org.pielot.openal.Buffer;
    import org.pielot.openal.SoundEnv;
    import org.pielot.openal.Source;
    import android.app.Activity;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.util.Log;
     * This tutorial shows how to use the OpenAL4Android library. It creates a small
     * scene with two lakes (water) and one park (bird chanting).
     * @author Martin Pielot
    public class HelloOpenAL4AndroidActivity extends Activity {
        private final static String    TAG    = "HelloOpenAL4Android";
        private SoundEnv            env;
        private Source                lake1;
        private Source                lake2;
        private Source                park1;
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            Log.i(TAG, "onCreate()");
            try {
                /* First we obtain the instance of the sound environment. */
                this.env = SoundEnv.getInstance(this);
                 * Now we load the sounds into the memory that we want to play
                 * later. Each sound has to be buffered once only. To add new sound
                 * copy them into the assets folder of the Android project.
                 * Currently only mono .wav files are supported.
                Buffer lake = env.addBuffer("lake");
                Buffer park = env.addBuffer("park");
                 * To actually play a sound and place it somewhere in the sound
                 * environment, we have to create sources. Each source has its own
                 * parameters, such as 3D position or pitch. Several sources can
                 * share a single buffer.
                this.lake1 = env.addSource(lake);
                this.lake2 = env.addSource(lake);
                this.park1 = env.addSource(park);
                // Now we spread the sounds throughout the sound room.
                this.lake1.setPosition(0, 0, -10);
                this.lake2.setPosition(-6, 0, 4);
                this.park1.setPosition(6, 0, -12);
                // and change the pitch of the second lake.
                 * These sounds are perceived from the perspective of a virtual
                 * listener. Initially the position of this listener is 0,0,0. The
                 * position and the orientation of the virtual listener can be
                 * adjusted via the SoundEnv class.
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "could not initialise OpenAL4Android", e);
        public void onResume() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onResume()");
             * Start playing all sources. 'true' as parameter specifies that the
             * sounds shall be played as a loop.
        public void onPause() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onPause()");
            // Stop all sounds
        public void onDestroy() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy()");
            // Be nice with the system and release all resources
        public void onLowMemory() {
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  • Android User Hate Parade

    Stupid! – Garbage – Hate it!!!!!!!

    …. these are some of the few comments when publishing apps in the Android Market for free. This can be really frustrating for developers. Here are some of the worst example I have encountered in my life as an Android developer:

    The “it does not work -> 1 star” fraction


    • “poor! doesnt work on my G1 keeps force closing! Uninstalled!”
    • “Keeps forcing close fix it and it is horrible. Hate it!!!!!!!!! One star and I am uninstalling this stupid thing”

    Guys, I can understand your anger, but please, just send the developer a mail, describe the error and the circumstances where it occurred in as much detail as possible, and give the developer a chance to learn about it and fix it!

    The “my obscure feature is not present -> 1 star” fraction


    • “No “dk” map [Ingen dk kort]”
    • “Not in Russian [?? ?? ??????]”

    Yes, you may want to have the app in Russian, Urdu, and Aramaic, but as a hobby developer one has limited resources. Please respect that many apps are developed on a very tight or even non-existent budget. Why not just be glad  to have that many apps for free?

    The “I hate your app -> 1 star” fraction


    • “Stupid!”
    • “Garbage”
    • “Slow and no instructions”

    These guys would probably even rate the app with 0 stars if that was possible. The comment “no instructions” was even wrong at the time of writing, since there was a manual accessible from the main menu.


    The “Weird -> 1 star” fraction (proposed by Niels).


    • “Has swear word on end button if you don’t do well. Not something I want my kid playing.”
    • “My mom is crying. Uninstalled”
    • “Stupid and offincive to my pet rabbit bayleigh”.


    If you download, rate, and comment apps, please be nice with your developers. Many of us are guys like you and me, only spending their free time to work on their apps. Please accept that you cannot get perfect solutions in no-time. Rather help us to improve our apps and appreciate that we deliver them for free!

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  • OpenAL on Android

    Although being slightly late with 3D Audio Support for Android 2.3 announced – this tutorial shows how to compile OpenAL for Android, so you can provide 3D Sound in your apps with 2.2 and below. The code has successfully been tested with the Nexus One (2.2) and the G1 (1.6).

    Update: the resulting project for download as a single .zip file. To run the example create a directory called wav on your device’s SD card and put a sound file called lake.wav into it.

    Update: some people reported latency issues. It can possibly be fixed in the OpenAL source. See last paragraph for a possible solution.

    Update: if you are using a NativeActivity, and the app crashes on device = alcOpenDevice( NULL ); please take a look at Garen’s fix to the getEnv() method: http://pielot.org/2010/12/14/openal-on-android/#comment-1160



    Understand how to compile NDK resources

    This tutorial requires working with the Android NDK. We will have to compile OpenAL from source into a native Shared Object and then build a Java Native Interface to work with it. The techniques I use to work with the NDK (on Windows) have been described in a previous tutorial. You might want to take a look to understand what exactly I am doing.

    Remember to PRESS F5 after you COMPILED the SHARED OBJECT. Otherwise, Eclipse will not use the new .so.

    Create HelloOpenAL Project

    Create a normal Android SDK Project.

    package org.pielot.helloopenal;
    import android.app.Activity;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.util.Log;
    public class HelloOpenAL extends Activity {
     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     private native int play(String filename);

    Compile OpenAL for Android

    The first step will be to compile OpenAL for Android. The goal will be to produce a Shared Object library libopenal.so that can be loaded into Android apps.

    Download patched source of OpenAL


    Thanks to Martins Mozeiko and Chris Robinson a version of OpenAL exists that has been adapted to the Android platform. Go to http://repo.or.cz/w/openal-soft/android.git and download latest version of the patched OpenAL sourcecode. For this tutorial I used version that can be downloaded here.

    Extract into project folder. Rename top folder of downloaded source from ‘android’ to ‘openal’.

    Create config.h

    To compile OpenAL a file called config.h is needed.Copy it from <PROJECT_HOME>/openal/android/jni to <PROJECT_HOME>/openal/include.

    Create Android.mk

    To tell the NDK compiler what files to compile, we now need to create Android.mk in <PROJECT_HOME>/jni . The file should contain:

    TARGET_PLATFORM := android-3
    ROOT_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    LOCAL_MODULE     := openal
    LOCAL_ARM_MODE   := arm
    LOCAL_PATH       := $(ROOT_PATH)
    LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH) $(LOCAL_PATH)/../openal/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../openal/OpenAL32/Include
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES  := ../openal/OpenAL32/alAuxEffectSlot.c \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alBuffer.c        \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alDatabuffer.c    \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alEffect.c        \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alError.c         \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alExtension.c     \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alFilter.c        \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alListener.c      \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alSource.c        \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alState.c         \
     ../openal/OpenAL32/alThunk.c         \
     ../openal/Alc/ALc.c                  \
     ../openal/Alc/alcConfig.c            \
     ../openal/Alc/alcEcho.c              \
     ../openal/Alc/alcModulator.c         \
     ../openal/Alc/alcReverb.c            \
     ../openal/Alc/alcRing.c              \
     ../openal/Alc/alcThread.c            \
     ../openal/Alc/ALu.c                  \
     ../openal/Alc/android.c              \
     ../openal/Alc/bs2b.c                 \
     ../openal/Alc/null.c                 \
    LOCAL_LDLIBS     := -llog -Wl,-s

    Compile OpenAL

    Now compile the source code using the NDK. I used a technique described in another tutorial on Using cygwin with the Android NDK on Windows. I am creating a batch file make.bat in the projects directory containing:

    @echo on
    @set BASHPATH="C:\cygwin\bin\bash"
    @set PROJECTDIR="/cygdrive/d/dev/workspace-android/helloopenal"
    @set NDKDIR="/cygdrive/d/dev/SDKs/android-ndk-r4b/ndk-build"
    %BASHPATH% --login -c "cd %PROJECTDIR% && %NDKDIR%

    Save the file and execute it. If there is no error you have just compiled the OpenAL library into a Shared Object! You can find it in <PROJECT_HOME>/libs/armeabi. Now let’s see how we can make use of it.

    The Native Interface

    The next steps will be to create a Java Native Interface that allows us to access to OpenAL Shared Object.

    Define Native Interface in Activity

    Extend the HelloOpenAL Activity, so it looks like

    package org.pielot.helloopenal;
    import android.app.Activity;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.util.Log;
    public class HelloOpenAL extends Activity {
     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     int ret = play("/sdcard/wav/lake.wav");
     Log.i("HelloOpenAL", ""+ret);
     private native int play(String filename);

    Implement Native Interface

    In <PROJECT_HOME> execute

    javah.exe -classpath bin -d jni org.pielot.helloopenal.HelloOpenAL

    to create the c header for the native function. Now <PROJECT_HOME>/jni should contain the file org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.h. Create org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.c in <PROJECT_HOME>/jni and fill it with

    #include "org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.h"
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL_play
     (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jstring filename) {
     return 0;

    Compile Native Interface

    Add new library to Android.mk

    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    LOCAL_MODULE     := openaltest
    LOCAL_ARM_MODE   := arm
    LOCAL_PATH       := $(ROOT_PATH)
    LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../openal/include
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES  := org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.c     \
    LOCAL_LDLIBS     := -llog -Wl,-s

    Now compile again. The above created make.bat will do. You now should have two libraries in <PROJECT_HOME>/libs/armeabi/, namely libopenal.so and libopenalwrapper.so.

    I you want you can run the app now. It should not crash and print ‘HelloOpenAL   0’ into the log.

    Testing OpenAL

    Now we have two libraries, one containing OpenAL and the other a native interface. We will now fill the latter with life to demonstrate the use of OpenAL.

    Initialize and Release Audio Components

    Therefore open org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.c and extend the existing code by:

    #include "org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <AL/al.h>
    #include <AL/alc.h>
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL_play
     (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jstring filename) {
     // Global Variables
     ALCdevice* device = 0;
     ALCcontext* context = 0;
     const ALint context_attribs[] = { ALC_FREQUENCY, 22050, 0 };
     // Initialization
     device = alcOpenDevice(0);
     context = alcCreateContext(device, context_attribs);
     // More code to come here ...
     // Cleaning up
     return 0;

    This code will now acquire the audio resource and release them. You should be able to compile the code and execute the HelloOpenAL app. However, nothing will yet happen, as we still have to load and play sound.

    Methods for Loading Audio Data

    Now we need to load audio data. Unfortunately, OpenAL does not come with functions for loading audio data. There has been the very popular ALut toolkit, but this is not part of OpenAL anymore. We therefore need to provide our own methods to load .wav files.

    The following code snippets have been posted by Gorax at www.gamedev.net. These are one struct and two methods methods to load .wav data and buffer it in the memory.

    Add the following code to org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL.c. Add the code above JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL_play

    typedef struct {
     char  riff[4];//'RIFF'
     unsigned int riffSize;
     char  wave[4];//'WAVE'
     char  fmt[4];//'fmt '
     unsigned int fmtSize;
     unsigned short format;
     unsigned short channels;
     unsigned int samplesPerSec;
     unsigned int bytesPerSec;
     unsigned short blockAlign;
     unsigned short bitsPerSample;
     char  data[4];//'data'
     unsigned int dataSize;
    //WARNING: This Doesn't Check To See If These Pointers Are Valid
    char* readWAV(char* filename,BasicWAVEHeader* header){
     char* buffer = 0;
     FILE* file = f open(filename,"rb");
     if (!file) {
     return 0;
     if (f read(header,sizeof(BasicWAVEHeader),1,file)){
     if (!(//these things *must* be valid with this basic header
     memcmp("RIFF",header->riff,4) ||
     memcmp("WAVE",header->wave,4) ||
     memcmp("fmt ",header->fmt,4)  ||
     buffer = (char*)malloc(header->dataSize);
     if (buffer){
     if (f read(buffer,header->dataSize,1,file)){
     f close(file);
     return buffer;
     f close(file);
     return 0;
    ALuint createBufferFromWave(char* data,BasicWAVEHeader header){
     ALuint buffer = 0;
     ALuint format = 0;
     switch (header.bitsPerSample){
     case 8:
     format = (header.channels == 1) ? AL_FORMAT_MONO8 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO8;
     case 16:
     format = (header.channels == 1) ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
     return 0;
     return buffer;

    WARNING, I had to put spaces into the word f open, f read, and f close. Delete the spaces when you copy that piece of code. For some reason, WordPress does not accept the words without space in a post.

    Load Audio Data into Buffer

    In method JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL_play located the comment

    // TODO More Code comes here

    and replace it by

    // Create audio buffer
     ALuint buffer;
     const char* fnameptr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, filename, NULL);
     BasicWAVEHeader header;
     char* data = readWAV(fnameptr,&header);
     if (data){
     //Now We've Got A Wave In Memory, Time To Turn It Into A Usable Buffer
     buffer = createBufferFromWave(data,header);
     if (!buffer){
     return -1;
     } else {
     return -1;
     // TODO turn buffer into playing source
     // Release audio buffer
     alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);

    This piece of code tries to load PCM .wav audio data from the passed filename. The audio data is loaded into an OpenAL buffer. The buffer itself is merely the cached audio data but cannot be played. It therefore has to be attached to a sound source.

    Create a playing source from the buffer

    In method JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_pielot_helloopenal_HelloOpenAL_play located the comment

    // TODO turn buffer into playing source

    and replace it by

     // Create source from buffer and play it
     ALuint source = 0;
     alGenSources(1, &source );
     alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
     // Play source
     int        sourceState = AL_PLAYING;
     do {
     alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState);
     } while(sourceState == AL_PLAYING);
     // Release source
     alDeleteSources(1, &source);

    This piece of code creates a sound source from the buffer and plays it once.

    Test on the Device

    Compile the native code again by using make.bat. It should compile without errors. If you are using Eclipse, select the project HelloOpenAL in the Package Explorer and press F5. Otherwise, Eclipse might not be aware that the Shared Objects were updated.

    Next, go to your devices SD Card and add a .wav file. I created a folder called “wav” and put a mono .wav file called “lake.wav” into this folder. Make sure it matches the filename you passed play(String filename) in the HelloOpenAL activity.

    Now it time for the big test! Once you start the app, the .wav file should be played once.

    This has been tested on the Nexus One and the G1/HTC Dream.

    Solving Latency Issues

    Some people seem to have experienced a 0.5 sec lag between triggering the sound and the actual playback. In the comments aegisdino suggested the following solution:

    In alcOpenDevice() of ALc.c source,
    “device->NumUpdates” seems to apply the lag issue.
    In normal cases, device->NumUpdates will be 4, then I can feel about 0.5sec lag.
    But when I fix it to 1, the lag disappeared.

    I did not test the solution, but as NumUpdates was 1 in my version of ALc.c it could be the solution.

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  • Using cygwin with the Android NDK on Windows

    This tutorial illustrates how to setup and use the Android NDK under Windows. It will use cygwin for compiling the native code. It has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.

    This guide assumes that you have Eclipse with ADT and the Android SDK version 3 (1.5) up and running.

    There are three important paths:

    Eclipse Workspace       D:\Dev\workspace-android
    NDK                     D:\Dev\SDKs\android-ndk-r4b
    Cygwin                  C:\Cygwin

    I am using these paths as they appear on my computer. Please adapt them to use system if necessary. Note that the paths MUST NOT CONTAIN SPACES.

    The code for this tutorial is available here

    Download NDK

    Go to http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html and download the Android NDK for Windows. At the time of writing, android android-ndk-r4b was the latest version. Copy the folder into D:\dev\SDKs\

    Install Cygwin

    Download setup.exe from http://cygwin.com/. The direct link is http://cygwin.com/setup.exe. Execute setup.exe and select a server to download the Cygwin files from. Then a huge list appears where you can select the components to download.

    Add “Devel/make” and “Shells/bash”. Search for “make” and “shell” to find them. Press next to download. I installed all files to C:\cygwin.

    Create Android Project

    Create a new standard Android project. I called it HelloNDK and used the following code.

    package org.pielot.hellondk;
    import android.app.Activity;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.util.Log;
    public class HelloNDK extends Activity {
    	/** Called when the activity is first created. */
    	public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    		int result = sayHello();
    		Log.i("HelloNDK", "" + result);
    	private native int sayHello();

    Make sure to compile it using the Android SDK. Javac.exe won’t work! Running this code should fail, as there is no native library yet.

    Create Java Native Interface

    Make sure your PATH contains your Java SDKs /bin directory. Open a terminal (cmd.exe) and enter javah. Receiving something like this means everything is alright.

    Now, in the terminal, go to the root of your project in Eclipse’s workspace D:\Dev\workspace-android\HelloNDK. Enter

    javah.exe -classpath bin/classes -d jni org.pielot.hellondk.HelloNDK

    When no error occurs, the compilation was successful. Since some comments below report from difficulties with this step, you might want to check if HelloNDK.class is really located in bin/classes/org/pielot/hellondk/. If not, try changing bin/classes/… to bin/… or src/… . It appears to have worked for others.

    Now you should find a new folder jni in your project, containing the file org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK.h

    /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
    /* Header for class org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK */
    #ifndef _Included_org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK
    #define _Included_org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
     * Class:     org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK
     * Method:    sayHello
     * Signature: ()I
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK_sayHello
      (JNIEnv *, jobject);
    #ifdef __cplusplus

    For my convenience, I usually create a .bat file including the above javah command and put it into the project folder.

    Implement the Native Interface

    Now we have to provide an implementation of the generated header file. Create org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK.c in the same folder as org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK.h and fill it with:

    #include "org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK.h"
    JNIEXPORT int JNICALL Java_org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK_sayHello
     (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) {
     return 42;

    Inform the Compiler what Files to Compile

    Next, we have to inform the NDK compiler what files should be compiled. In the /jni folder we therefore create “Android.mk”:

    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    LOCAL_MODULE    := hellondk
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := org_pielot_hellondk_HelloNDK.c

    Compiling the Native Code

    In the HelloNDK project folder create a batch file named “make.bat”. Fill it with:

    @echo on
    @set BASHPATH="C:\cygwin\bin\bash"
    @set PROJECTDIR="/cygdrive/d/dev/workspace-android/hellondk"
    @set NDKDIR="/cygdrive/d/dev/SDKs/android-ndk-r4b/ndk-build"
    %BASHPATH% --login -c "cd %PROJECTDIR% && %NDKDIR%

    This file will NOT WORK WHEN EXECUTED FROM WITHIN ECLIPSE. Thus, always find it with the Windows Explorer and execute it by double-clicking.

    If successful it should look like

    In the HelloNDK project directory you now should find libs/armeabi/libhellondk.so created.

    Loading and Testing library

    If you now run the HelloNDK Activity, you should see no exceptions. In LogCat, something like

    12-05 13:42:45.311: INFO/HelloNDK(24329): 42

    should appear. Voila! You have done it!

    One last note: if you are just working on the C code, Eclipse will not realize that the native lib has been updated. To make sure that the latest version of the lib will be used, mark the HelloNDK project in Eclipse’s project explorer and hit F5.

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