Category: OpenAL

  • OpenAL4Android

    In the comments to my post on OpenAL on Android some visitors asked to provide some high-level examples of how to use OpenAL.

    In this post you will find a light-weight Android Java library, consisting of four classes only, that allows you to create complex 3D sound scenes. An additional Hello World example building upon this library will show how to create a scene with three different sound sources.

    OpenAL4Android Library

    Download the library from The library contains the following classes:

    • OpenAlBridge: this class contains all the native methods used to communicate with the OpenAL native implementation
    • SoundEnv: this class allows to manage the sound scene. It for example allows registering new sounds and moving around the virtual listener
    • Buffer: a buffer is one sound file loaded into the RAM of the device. A buffer itself cannot be played.
    • Source: a source turns a buffer into an actually sounding object. The source allows changing the parameters of the sound, such as its position in 3D space, the playback volume, or the pitch. Each source as one buffer, but one buffer can be used by different sources.

    If you turn it into an Android library, you can use it in several projects at the same time. Go to Properties -> Android and make sure that the check box “Is Library” is checked.

    The following Hello World example shows how to use the library.


    HelloOpenAL4Android is a demo application illustrating how to use OpenAL4Android. The complete code + Eclipse project files can be downloaded here.

    Create a new Android project. Use Android 1.6 at least. Visit the project properties and add OpenAL4Android as library project (project -> android -> library). The the following code shows how to create a complex 3D scene.

    To run without errors, the program requires two sound files named “lake.wav” and “park.wav” in the project’s assets folder. If the folder does not exist, just create it on the top level of the project, next to src, res, … .

    package org.pielot.helloopenal;
    import org.pielot.openal.Buffer;
    import org.pielot.openal.SoundEnv;
    import org.pielot.openal.Source;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.util.Log;
     * This tutorial shows how to use the OpenAL4Android library. It creates a small
     * scene with two lakes (water) and one park (bird chanting).
     * @author Martin Pielot
    public class HelloOpenAL4AndroidActivity extends Activity {
        private final static String    TAG    = "HelloOpenAL4Android";
        private SoundEnv            env;
        private Source                lake1;
        private Source                lake2;
        private Source                park1;
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            Log.i(TAG, "onCreate()");
            try {
                /* First we obtain the instance of the sound environment. */
                this.env = SoundEnv.getInstance(this);
                 * Now we load the sounds into the memory that we want to play
                 * later. Each sound has to be buffered once only. To add new sound
                 * copy them into the assets folder of the Android project.
                 * Currently only mono .wav files are supported.
                Buffer lake = env.addBuffer("lake");
                Buffer park = env.addBuffer("park");
                 * To actually play a sound and place it somewhere in the sound
                 * environment, we have to create sources. Each source has its own
                 * parameters, such as 3D position or pitch. Several sources can
                 * share a single buffer.
                this.lake1 = env.addSource(lake);
                this.lake2 = env.addSource(lake);
                this.park1 = env.addSource(park);
                // Now we spread the sounds throughout the sound room.
                this.lake1.setPosition(0, 0, -10);
                this.lake2.setPosition(-6, 0, 4);
                this.park1.setPosition(6, 0, -12);
                // and change the pitch of the second lake.
                 * These sounds are perceived from the perspective of a virtual
                 * listener. Initially the position of this listener is 0,0,0. The
                 * position and the orientation of the virtual listener can be
                 * adjusted via the SoundEnv class.
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "could not initialise OpenAL4Android", e);
        public void onResume() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onResume()");
             * Start playing all sources. 'true' as parameter specifies that the
             * sounds shall be played as a loop.
        public void onPause() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onPause()");
            // Stop all sounds
        public void onDestroy() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy()");
            // Be nice with the system and release all resources
        public void onLowMemory() {
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